About Me

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Adelaide, Australia
I'm Kelly, 35 years old wise! Stay at Home Mum living in Adelaide. Married to wonderful DH of 13 years, mum of two monkey's DD12 & DS9 (Special Needs = High Functioning Mild Autism). I'm currently following Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation (12wbt) to loose this weight once and for all and to be fit, healthy and happy! I love ZUMBA and a cheeky sense of humour!!! Follow my adventures!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Mmm Monday - Day 12

Today was another HOT day here in Adelaide I believe it got to 41.  However no rest for the wicked and on we go.

Tonight was my first night back teaching Zumba after 2 weeks break and I know I'm going to feel it tomorrow!  It was a great class, yay for the air con that is powerful and strong in there.

My mum came over today for a few hours before Zumba and as usually she can't just sit still so she got up and cleaned.  All the little jobs that I probably am yet to still do so good for her LOL.  I was busy trying to fix up the Zumba set list still so it kept her busy.  She helped DD12 finish part of her room however it was funny cause she likes to pick things up and move it all around you really need to 'watch her' I tell DD12 or you WILL never find things ever again.  My mum use to come over once a week and help clean and it was often followed with a phone call or two that now we can't find this or that.. once I couldn't find the Iron and she said it was in with the toaster and mix master in the cupboard because it was white... mmmm ok....

My mum cleaned the shower, whiped down the cabinet, cleaned the window seal, rescrubbed the toilet, washed the dishes, reswept all my floors, we have floorboards throughout, picked up a few bits and pieces and basically made it 'known' to hubby that she had been here LOL.  I don't mind saves me from doing and secretly I bet she LOVES it!!!

I use an online program called PUP SMS and you get free SMS's if you do random surveys and things like that I have been storing up the points for a while so each week I SMS the Zumba ladies that we are good to go and so it doesn't cost me anything.  It's about to run out however I get 50 free SMS a month with my phone and I barely use all those so still some saving's there.

I got an email today saying I had a won a gift voucher for being part of an online chatting community panel, I'm not sure of the details just that your card is in the mail - will let you know what turns up LOL.

I did receive today my Coles gift card that I purchased from the Entertainment Book for 5% discount.  It took over a week to get here and so as long as you can budget and buy ahead of time you will be alright.  They are very clever though - last year it use to be 'Coles/Myer cards' and now it's only Coles cards and also you can only buy $4000 worth in a year - hmmmm cheeky - you must see people like me coming a mile away!!! LOL

I also got an email today from Woolworths Everyday Rewards that they have loaded a 10c fuel voucher onto my card so that's lovely!  Thank you very much!

Well that's it from me, hope you had a great Monday!!! XOXO

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