About Me

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Adelaide, Australia
I'm Kelly, 35 years old wise! Stay at Home Mum living in Adelaide. Married to wonderful DH of 13 years, mum of two monkey's DD12 & DS9 (Special Needs = High Functioning Mild Autism). I'm currently following Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation (12wbt) to loose this weight once and for all and to be fit, healthy and happy! I love ZUMBA and a cheeky sense of humour!!! Follow my adventures!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

In's & Outs - Day 3

Today I have been as a busy as a bee.  I packaged up all the 'pay it forward' items last night and put out for collection and then setted off on my own 'loop' to go and collect all the lovely things that other's are sending out to the world with much love.  It's a great group noone is greedy and everything just seems to work out at the end of the day.

I didn't get very far before the car started beeping I needed petrol so I checked my wallet and sure enough I only enough $49.99 worth of gift cards in my purse so I got $50.00 of petrol - they let me have 1c that was so nice of them.  I buy my WISH gift cards from RAA as I get 5% discount and then allocate them towards part food and petrol.  Good savings there.  So I didn't touch the credit card again today! Win for me!!!

I planned my route with the help of google maps but suddenly found that it keep doubling back on itself so I had the good old street directory in the car so used that as I was aware of a few addresses already.  It was lovely to meet and greet everyone and of course my 1 hour round trip took a lot longer than expected but that's ok!  (ps this is a map of NY city because I can't publically just display my route for today...)

Of the many things I collected  was a  glass chess set for my son who is a fan and has been pestering poor hubby for a game ever since.  I was able to drop off some items too so that's helpful.

So although I realise yesterday I said 'enough already' these are things that I probably would have 'bought' for the house or for presents, I have been quite strategic with what I am collecting nothing to contain more clutter.

I did manage to get a whole pile of coathangers which are ALWAYS useful especially in our house so a good saving there.

I went to Sam's Warehouse for those of you who know it while I was down south.  A discount shop and they had all their Xmas stock out for 75% off.  I didn't want to look knowing that I could have saved even MORE money on my wrapping paper but it's ok.  I'm all done I need no more.  I did for a few moments stop and look through their mountain of clearance items but decided I 'need' NOTHING so let's walk away.

On the way home I needed milk so luckily that's 'all' I bought because I can tell you there are times where milk could easily cost $30 for a quick trip to the shop - I should just buy the cow I know... LOL.  I resisted the urge for ALL the bakery items that were marked down because we simply do NOT need any more sugar post xmas and also the tempation for the sale of hot chickens because I already had meat defrosting for tonight's dinner and I RELLY need to use the food in the house first before I buy more.  (Going to try a $21 challenge later - more about that later).

So that's it from me... I'm home and pleasantly warn out but a successful day!!!

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