About Me

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Adelaide, Australia
I'm Kelly, 35 years old wise! Stay at Home Mum living in Adelaide. Married to wonderful DH of 13 years, mum of two monkey's DD12 & DS9 (Special Needs = High Functioning Mild Autism). I'm currently following Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation (12wbt) to loose this weight once and for all and to be fit, healthy and happy! I love ZUMBA and a cheeky sense of humour!!! Follow my adventures!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Day 1 364 to go ... LOL

Welcome to Day 1 -Today has been a busy day!!!

BUDGET - all good households need a budget and if yours looks anything like ours - you do it and then work out you can't afford to live and keep shopping LOL.  It's just because I am a dot all the 'i's type girl and cover for every possible 'what if' I might be doubled up in some areas so naturally at the end of the year I can go woo hoo I'm a legend I managed to save X amount of dollars!  Although I'm not sure that this year we ended up with a possible bank balance.... LOL  Santa went a bit overboard....

I'm just waiting till tomorrow for the bank to push through the last few transactions that we have on the credit card then I can pay it off and then we can 'start all over again' as they say.  Yes I'm that anal with numbers...LOL 

I did however decide to go back to the cash bags and allocate so much money for things that need cash eg fruit and veg, school adventures for the $2 here and there.

SHOPPING - today is the first day that the local suburb shops are open, the city and harbourtown was opened yesterday but I wasn't feeling brave enough to fight the crowds and they didn't have the shops I wanted.

Today I hit a shopping ctr about 20 min drive from me mostly for the post xmas stock.  All I needed was wrapping paper as I have enough cards to last 3 xmas's.  I was surprised at how price varied between shops.  With my trusty calculator I worked out that I was happy to pay 13c per metre at Kmart rather than 25c per metre at places like Cheap as Chips (yeah I was surprised too) and I'm sure that the quality is better.  So I some how ended up with 50 metres for only $6.50 - so I don't need any more paper maybe for the next two years and also some people's birthday gifts might be wrapped in some nice gold & silver colours this year LOL.

CLOTHING - we dance around this subject every year although this year is different.  As you know I've recently lost 22kgs and it's really great but can also be expensive LOL.  I have had a major clean out of all my clothes and so now a small restock is in order.  

I visited 'Saver's' today as they had 50% off all their clothing and I didn't find 1 thing that I loved so a good saving in there!  

I also visited Miller's as I got an email that said they had sale items starting at $3 but there was nothing in store except scarfes for $3 and everything else $16.95 - now I've lost some weight but I don't think a scarf is going to cover all of me ... $3 or not.... LOL.  I heard other's complaining too about the email so it seems we were all in the same boat.

GENERAL - I had to go pick up the family trailer today from down south hence why I visited the non local shops and did a bit of a loop on the way home.  I recently joined a freecycle type group which is going to help me declutter the house but also I picked up 2 lovely glass design necklaces that someone was giving away which will be great for my daughters birthday in Feb.  I start early with collecting presents!

Also had to drop off something to a friends house which was only around the corner so I was clever and mapped out my route. 

I've had a successful day!

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