About Me

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Adelaide, Australia
I'm Kelly, 35 years old wise! Stay at Home Mum living in Adelaide. Married to wonderful DH of 13 years, mum of two monkey's DD12 & DS9 (Special Needs = High Functioning Mild Autism). I'm currently following Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation (12wbt) to loose this weight once and for all and to be fit, healthy and happy! I love ZUMBA and a cheeky sense of humour!!! Follow my adventures!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

WOOSH Part 1 - Days 54 - 60

WOOSH is the sound that a week makes going by so fast.  Sorry I haven't been here I guess really nothing too exciting has been happening and also I've just been soooo busy!!! Which is a good thing it keeps me out of the shops tee hee.

I will no doubt recall a few things that happened in the past week and a bit.

Day 54 - Happy Birthday to my Daughter - 13 hmm so must not remember DD13 not 12.  Ahhh a teenager in the house - quick I'm moving out! LOL  She was happy with her presents it wasn't much but I think $ it was enough! LOL

Day 55 - We took my hubby's boss to the airport as he is going to NZ for 3 weeks for work!  I was glad we could help them out well someone needed to as they took so much luggage I think they needed to take food as well as enough 'electronic gear' for the time.  We drove him in their car and then I followed in mine.  Then took their car back home to lock it all up!  Glad we could help!  Certainly saving on carparking!  On the same day DS9 had pancake day at school $1.50 for a pancake with all the toppings he said it was YUMMY!  It's the simple things in life that keep him happy!

Day 56 - I got to pick up a few more of the freecycle things.  A whole stack of books for DD13 (ah i remembered) some of the authors which were my hubby's fav so that's good she should enjoy those.

OH on the way home from Zumba Wed night I get petrol as you know and I only had the 8c off voucher for woolies.  As I buy WISH gift cards to get 5% discount then I used that as I still had a lot of $ left.  I also picked up the latest Women's Health Magazine and so with the extra spend in store it works out that the $8 magazine (I know its pretty pricey but worth the money) worked out to be only $1.50.  I was really happy with that.  Ok you don't end up saving on petrol that way but it's a nice little bonus!

Day 57 - nothing exciting happening here .... LOL

Day 58 - Had our first networking meeting for the company I am with today.  We meet at Macca's I didn't buy a coffee so saved a few $ there but I also forgot to take my water and didn't want to pay $3 for 600ml bottle.  Sigh....

Day 59 - Attended a birthday party for a good friend of ours at another friends house.  It was lovely.  We all paid $15 and got a yummy piece of steak with sides.  Much better than going to a restaurant where we have trouble hearing one another.  Great food, great company.  We did BYO beer for hubby and I took water but they also offered soft drinks to those.  DS9 was with us so he enjoyed the Red Creaming Soda cans that he drank - I think the host enjoyed giving them to him MORE LOL.  DD13 was at my mums for her birthday sleep over so that saved me $15 as she can eat as much as me! LOL Although I hear that she got her fair $ spent on her as mum took her food shopping and she eye'd over a lot of stuff and being typical Grandparents gave in to her .... tee hee.

Day 60 - YUM Roast Dinner - who can ever say no to that!  We get the best roast when we go to my mum and steps dads for dinner time.  We like it because we go and collect our daughter and also get fed a good meal - sounds like a plan to me!!!

I'll leave it there and come back later!!! Hope your weeks aren't 'wooshing' before you!!! XOXO

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