About Me

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Adelaide, Australia
I'm Kelly, 35 years old wise! Stay at Home Mum living in Adelaide. Married to wonderful DH of 13 years, mum of two monkey's DD12 & DS9 (Special Needs = High Functioning Mild Autism). I'm currently following Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation (12wbt) to loose this weight once and for all and to be fit, healthy and happy! I love ZUMBA and a cheeky sense of humour!!! Follow my adventures!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


NOT HAPPY!!! Does the words private property mean anything????

As you all know I collect the odd can and bottle and there's a little patch of grass next to the car port - up near our shed that I had been putting the odd bottle as soon as I pull up for the night (especially if it's dark)  just so they aren't jigging in the back of the car!

I know that after the past week there was at least 12 there and this morning I got up to take hubby to work and there are 6 there.  So I give who ever their due they can do the maths but bugger you!!!!  There was a mixture of cans and bottles and most likely the bottles were bicardi breezer's and other more 'exclusive' drinks not just regular beer bottles - maybe they thought there was something still in them??

I didn't steal these from anyone and now your stealing from me.  I guess people will do anything to get a little extra $ these days.

I had been meaning for the past few days as it's holidays to pick them up and take them to the bottle shop with the other boxes full but now I'm really annoyed.  I guess it's my own fault for not doing it sooner but still! Grrr!!!!

The most annoying thing is that we have a security light that comes up once you get up to that area and every now and again it turns on and I swear I hear someone there but hubby said it's just my imagination!!!  Yes it possibly be the neighbours cat but still!!!!

I guess today I am going to be outside cleaning up some of the area to make sure that noone else comes looking for any opportunities!!!  I guess there's nothing like something 'happening' to make you make a move on what you should have done a long time ago!!!


  1. Stealing empties is a regular occurance these days....they are even breaking into places like scout yards etc where they know stuff is stored...would suggest keeping in a shed or inside because if they can be seen they will be taken

  2. I don't think it was the *60c* they stole. Maybe they collect that type of bottle. It wasn't me but I have rescued bottles from bins before, because I liked the look of them. Still, not nice knowing someone can come into your yard like that.
    Every time I see our light come on I look out to see if anybody is there. Usually it's just the cat.


  3. thanks guy's im going to sit outside with my baseball bat LOL but yeah it is the whole 'shoulda, woulda, coulda' of keeping it all locked away you just don't think that petty theft is that bad!
