About Me

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Adelaide, Australia
I'm Kelly, 35 years old wise! Stay at Home Mum living in Adelaide. Married to wonderful DH of 13 years, mum of two monkey's DD12 & DS9 (Special Needs = High Functioning Mild Autism). I'm currently following Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation (12wbt) to loose this weight once and for all and to be fit, healthy and happy! I love ZUMBA and a cheeky sense of humour!!! Follow my adventures!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


NOT HAPPY!!! Does the words private property mean anything????

As you all know I collect the odd can and bottle and there's a little patch of grass next to the car port - up near our shed that I had been putting the odd bottle as soon as I pull up for the night (especially if it's dark)  just so they aren't jigging in the back of the car!

I know that after the past week there was at least 12 there and this morning I got up to take hubby to work and there are 6 there.  So I give who ever their due they can do the maths but bugger you!!!!  There was a mixture of cans and bottles and most likely the bottles were bicardi breezer's and other more 'exclusive' drinks not just regular beer bottles - maybe they thought there was something still in them??

I didn't steal these from anyone and now your stealing from me.  I guess people will do anything to get a little extra $ these days.

I had been meaning for the past few days as it's holidays to pick them up and take them to the bottle shop with the other boxes full but now I'm really annoyed.  I guess it's my own fault for not doing it sooner but still! Grrr!!!!

The most annoying thing is that we have a security light that comes up once you get up to that area and every now and again it turns on and I swear I hear someone there but hubby said it's just my imagination!!!  Yes it possibly be the neighbours cat but still!!!!

I guess today I am going to be outside cleaning up some of the area to make sure that noone else comes looking for any opportunities!!!  I guess there's nothing like something 'happening' to make you make a move on what you should have done a long time ago!!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Free Dental??? Not anymore!

When I was younger visiting the dentist use to be a fun thing mostly because the school dental clinic was on-grounds and it got you out of school for a little while and then you got to go to the class to collect the next kid so yeah you took a little detour - stopped on the loo and then eventually went to the classroom to give the teacher the note for the next sucker - err kid to go see the dentist.

Then slowly the clinics stopped being on school grounds and now there are only a handful.  It's all government run now and although they still say you can receive FREE dental health - there's always a catch isn't there....

For each set of treatment you need it now costs $40.  You also see students in the clinic and not a main dentist like in the olden days.  The students are very well taught and watched closely and they don't do anything without supervision or having their work checked off before moving to the next stage.  I was reading on the website and from what I understand as an adult -  it states that as a patient you have the right to deny seeing a student however you are then placed on a waiting list.  I guess it really is tough these days for the government to pay full time dentists.

You get a bill for the dental visit and have to go and pay it at a post office.  We have to go back in 3 weeks time for the 'treatment' so I wonder if there is going to be another bill for that or if the $40 cover's this round of 'treatment'?  $40 is a lot cheaper than what I would pay to go private but still 'nothing is FREE these day's is it'

Back Again

Well it's been a LONG time since I've been posting in my blog as you can see I've been busy doing my weight loss blog more so although I have still been frugal in some area's.  This blog has taken a back seat (woops).  I've had a few requests from friends to start it up again and now that it's school holidays I will do just that!

Firstly I want to make sure that you head over to my weight loss blog - wacky warrior adventures - there should be a link to the side here now ------------------------->>> 

Just a few things that I found (cause my frugal brain is always switched on)...  

Cans & Bottles are worth nothing over there so they are everywhere in the streets.  Looks like someone sat down and had a drinking party and then just walked away.

This then made me laugh 'have you forgotten something' gosh I hope not - would cost you a fortune!!!

Then finally my black dress that I got for a whole $6 from the op shop before I left which I wore to the party on the Saturday night.  It was a little snug so hopefully in a few more kgs it will be a bit looser.  Who knows I might even need another new dress by then!!!

NOW to the NOW of life!

My daughter had a special winter ball to go to as part of her youth group and we got her a dress from the same op shop for only $20.  It was marked as $25 but I found it outside on the $2 rack however I do agree there wasn't the 'crossed out' marks that all the others had there so someone's put it there by accident. So they marked it down to $20 for me.  On closer inspection it still had it's BRAND NEW tags on it for $79 from Target! Bargain thanks!

She already had a purple necklace to go with it and borrowed one of my black bags that I bought for a whole 20c about a year ago.  The only cost to us was new shoes as she didn't have any good black shoes but they were only $20 from kmart.  She had a great night!  

More posts coming.....