About Me

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Adelaide, Australia
I'm Kelly, 35 years old wise! Stay at Home Mum living in Adelaide. Married to wonderful DH of 13 years, mum of two monkey's DD12 & DS9 (Special Needs = High Functioning Mild Autism). I'm currently following Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation (12wbt) to loose this weight once and for all and to be fit, healthy and happy! I love ZUMBA and a cheeky sense of humour!!! Follow my adventures!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

A Can A Day - Update

As I posted before I was going on a mission to find a can a day well maybe that should be "A Can An Hour" LOL.  Maybe I should also change it that it's just not can's we are finding but anything that has a 10c recycle image on it.

Although I have been finding the odd can here or there over the past few weeks, I've been noticing many others around the place especially left in our local shopping centre car parks etc.

So 3 days ago I decided to go for a short drive to the train station, park and the car and have a walk around and I found 5 items just in one place.  I then went over to the shops as I wanted to go to Coles and I found a couple more left in trolley's etc.  So I decided the next night to repeat it and found another 9 and then last night I took my daughter and we found 11. 

So when I posted on the 23rd Jan we had found 23 cans and now on 26th Jan our total so far is 70. 

So we have decided each night to go for a walk to see what we can find.  I realise it's not going to make us a millionare overnight but it's a fun game and also getting us out of the house and I figure as I say 'I'm helping clean up the environment" Tee Hee!

Happy Australia Day

Hoorah Australia Day today and for most of us the joy the having a public holiday.  However Rundle Mall Shops here in Adelaide were all open to trade for business today.  Great pay I bet but I feel sorry for those that had to work although I bet it was a 'put your hand up' choice.

We had a fab family BBQ with all the siblings and little kids.  It was good as it's been a long time since we have seen everyone!  However I don't think there was any lamb there... hmmmmm oh well noone tell that Sam K dude!  We ate and drank to be merry and then came home, we certainly don't need to eat anything else so that's a dinner saved we don't need to cook!

So what ever you are doing today have a great day and no doubt it's frugal as your all home and not at the shops!

ps I have just noticed that the dates are out of wack on this so here it is 26th January 2012 which is Australia Day but it's got the 25th LOL - still working all this blog stuff out!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

School Stuff

School Stuff all happened today!  Paid the yearly school fee (ohhh that hurt that bank account) but I saved $105 as I paid cash and before the due date. I had put this money aside early in the year. (ps this is not my daughters uniform I just liked the picture)

Then had to get school uniforms I managed to get all second hand (except socks, hat and bag) and saved a packet.  It's a private school so naturally things are a bit pricey!

Dress - $56 savings
Pants - $19.00 savings
Polo Top - $37.00 savings
Jacket -$7.00 savings
Socks - $1 saving (as I got a packet of 3 instead of singles)

Stationary pack was included in the enrollment so at least I don't have to worry about getting more things although I will grab some more lead pencils as I don't think that 'two' will do for a full year!  In the pack was pens, pencils, coloured pencils, textas, folders, books - lined and grid, ruler, eraser, sharpener, glue stick and note paper. 

Also included in the enrollment is the camp fee and other bits and pieces so I guess it's good that it's all paid up front and not much 'hand into pocket' during the year, but we will see.  I save all year round for school 'additionals'.

$105 - fee's
$120 - uniform

Monday, January 23, 2012

A Can A Day

I'm forever seeing cans and bottles on the side on the road and usually stop to pick them up I figure it's 10c in my pocket and I'm helping the envirnoment LOL.

So I thought I wonder if it's possible to find "A Can A Day' (or bottle, etc you know what I mean).

I'm out and about nearly every day so usually see a lot of stuff so we will see.  ow if only I got paid money for finding empty Macca's rubbish in the street - then I'd be a millionare!!!

So far I've already found 23 cans so I am on track and hopefully going to be well over by the end of the year!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Australia's Biggest Cheapskates

A Current Affair put out a search for who is Australia's biggest Cheapskate.  I didn't enter as I didn't figure I would have too much to contribute and was a bit embarrased but by watching these I don't see that I am any different from them.

From cashing in cans, buying discounts, doing online surveys and selling stuff on ebay I've done it all and still am.  A few of the things that they do which I also do is -
A variety of online survey's to get points and cash rewards and also gift cards for various shopping places.
I too will collect odd cans in the street that I see lying around.  I figure it's helping clean up the street.  I got 10 cans in a day so that's $1 in my pocket.  Ps "Matthew" you left your bottle... LOL
I always manage as I have posted before to spot a bargain while shopping.  Meat is good only if you look at the 'kg' price.  There's no point buying something that is $5 off if the price per kg is still $22.  I rarely pay more than $12 for a kg of meat.

The only thing I don't do is go through the side rubbish to get stuff to resell but I have picked up a few things to keep.  I remember only a few months ago saying to my mum outloud.  I'd really love a full length mirror on a stand I will start looking around for one.  10 minutes later as I drove her to the train station there was one on the side of the road.  She is probably still gobsmacked!


Friday, January 20, 2012

Today is ... Thursday!

Sorry I haven't posted for a while, been quiet at home (which I guess is saving money as I'm not at the shops)!  Also been busy decluttering!   Had a quiet day today.  The kids went with the inlaws for the day with the canoe so I stayed home to do some jobs around the house.  I ended up doing 4 loads of laundry and cleaning up a bit still lots more to do.  As I was rewashing I came to the conclusion that "I've washed all these last week.... hmmm" DD11 said yeah some fell on her floor so might be dirty - hmmm well if they were put away in the first place guess what no more dirty.... I think a plan of attack needs to be made when hubby gets home.  
I would like to only do 1 - 2 loads of washing per child per week (a bit ask I know but we will see how that goes).  Uniforms are their own wash so I'm talking general wearing clothes.  Towels are their own wash too.  Hubby usually does 1 - 2 loads depends what's happened for the week.  Underwear as one load and then general clothes.  He rides his bike a lot now so get's very sweaty! 

Received in the mail another parcel from ebay for DS8's birthday.  However it's a little carry case for his bakugan cards which I think would be really helpful if he had it sooner rather than later as his cards keep going all over the place.  It was only $5 and it's on a lanyard so he can wear it which is great!
Got this pile of crochet cotton from freecycle I cheekily asked if anyone had any spare and had two people give me all this only a minute drive from home.  How caring people are. So I made this knitting cloth as I recently saw a post for it on a cheapskates group.  DS8 keeps picking it up going ahhh fluffy.... I want to clean the tv he tells me.  Well if all I have to do is knit a cloth so he will help clean show me the cotton!!!  (ps this is meant to be blue and white - picture a bit funny -  I thought it would be funny as most chux clothes are that pattern)

As I had no children today for a short break nipped over to Big W to pick up a book for DD11's birthday in a months time and also some more underwear (yeah mums are boring at times i know) and also buy a Moshi Monster's Membership card as DS8 will be needing one in two weeks time anyway so I thought if I got it now he can pay me back with his pocket money because this week for a $30 or more spend at Big W you got double the Frequent Flyer Points so I was excited by that as well as the price for the book.  
I got this card from ebay I paid $69.00 the buyer sent it FREE Registered Post for the value of $72.69.  I realise it doesn't seem a lot but I can use the card at Big W, Woolies or Woolies Liquor so I'll take all the bonuses I can get!

With the children at the inlaws tonight for dinner I saved about $20 as we were thinking about going to IKEA for dinner - addicted to those meatballs. 

SAVINGS - $23.59
$3.59 - gift card
$20.00 - take away

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Terrific Tuesday

Today is Tuesday - well that's what they would say if I was watching Play School!  My kids are too old for that now but sometimes I think I should watch it just to make sure I've got my days straight!  School holidays are all blending into one but It's still enjoyable.

Do you like my picture above - CONGRATULATIONS George on your award for Best Drama.  I'm coming to see you soon.  Got my tickets just waiting for my hubby to get home from his week away at work - he takes me to see all your films!

Today is in adelaide is going to be 39!  I can't work out what the weather is going to be.  I slept with the window open last night hoping for some cool air.  Was so proud of myself I resisted the urge to put on the fan.  I woke up to the room being stuffy and thought oh dear it's going to be warm.  Put the aircon on for a bit hoping to 'get ahead' of the heat.  Wondering if tonight I should try and wet down some of the outside of the house?  I could also just cheat and go to the inlaws for a swim that's a cooling activity!

Got the mail today and saw this and went OMG please don't tell me I forgot to pay it and I'm about to have no water.  Opened it and PHEW!!!! It's notice of a PAYBACK!  I bought mulch last year and got a $200 rebate which arrived today so that's great.  I could have gotten it paid off my next water bill but I choose money which will no doubt help to pay the bill anyway!

Here is my invention for the day - homemade iced coffee!  Was thinking hmmm I could do with some right now (I drink it very rarely - real coffee even more rare) so I made it and put it into my son's freezer cup (shhh) it's not bad it's chilled but no ice particles like other drinks you put in there.  I hope the coffee wakes me up - going to need it today!

Have a good one everyone!!! (ps when googling pictures for this and looking for a hot picture don't just type in the word 'hot' omg.... LOL)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Shhh Sunday

Quiet day in the house today.  Hubby's away, he did get there safely I know this because thanks to facebook he replied to a message of mine LOL.  I knew when he was nearly there as I saw he had done a transaction on the credit card for lunch!  

Down to my mums for dinner tonight as they are having my children overnight as I am working in the morning tomorrow.  A lovely Roast Pork.  I can never cook as well as she can!  I've been invited there for dinner tomorrow night too after I pick up the children so that's good!  It's lovely to have family support.  Mum also gave me 3 petrol vouchers - 8c each yay!

Saw this comic in the paper last week and was saving it for a quiet blog entry which is today lol.  I guess being quiet is being frugal!

I did however manage to sneak a peak at eBay tonight and get a Nintendo DS game for my son for $16.01 delivered - BRAND NEW which currently costs $40 in store.  His birthday isn't till May but when I see a bargain I have to get it and then also all his shopping is done.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

S'Wonderful Saturday

Yes I stole the S'wonderful from a Gerswin Song I couldn't think of anything else hmmm - S'laxing? LOL Perhaps not!

Quiet morning here in the house.  Hubby get's a hair cut from the Barber before he leaves - that man always does a good job and is so nice.  That's a cash job so we always have a little ready for that.
I go food shopping at Woolies.  They have double frequent flyer pts on today so how could I not - also loads of specials.  Some I got were =
Chicken Breast - $7.99 a kg (got the last 2 kgs too tee hee - sorry lady waiting behind me...)
Hashbrowns $0.40 each BUT 10% if you buy 10 or more so I get the last 14 in the box (sorry to the SAME lady waiting behind me... woops but it's one of the limited foods my son eats so I'm happy to buy)
Gloves $2.00 the thick ones I can wash dishes with safely and DOUBLE points on those too!
Peaches - $1.49 for the big can (we all love these)
Apples - $2.98 (ok so prob not a great special but cheaper than everything else)
Notepads - set of 5 for $0.99 these are great for me now
Scott's Pies $5.30 (down from $6.35) - yes the same name as my DS8 I'm sure that's why he eats these!

I must be one of the few women that actually enjoy food shopping or I actual call it bargain shopping.
Got petrol today as we didn't have much left and I had been waiting and waiting for a cheap day and we haven't had one all week so I gave in.  The funny thing is that On The Run was $139.70 and Woolies was $140.90 (approx).  I had a 8c off petrol voucher but hubby saids I really only save 7.8c off I say 'stop talking' LOL!  

Went to the inlaws for dinner which was lovely as hubby is borrowing a car for the trip away and he puts petrol in the car using another 8c (or 7.8c sigh...) voucher. Hubby's work will pay him back for the petrol but we got the points on the credit card - YAY!
Oh MOST importantly I forgot I got to see my gorgeous friend Karen who runs http://www.facebook.com/NailCandySA - for a lovely manicure and a chat.  I pay for this out of my hard earnt pocket money LOL.  Well someone has to go and be pampered and play with the triplets that she has (these are her babies, here's a close picture without giving away their identity.. tee hee).  I think Karen's clients come to play with the dogs just as much as the pampering!!!

SAVINGS - $12.22
$3.37 - petrol
$2.91 for the chicken as I would have had to pay $10.90 as we were all out
$1.40 - hashbrowns
$3.54 - peaches (normal price is $2.08 a can)
$1.00 - notepads

Frugal Friday

Today is a good day to shop!  Sorry watching Star Trek as I type this (relating to the Klingon's 'Today is a good day to die'.  Well I could shop till I drop! Tee Hee

I was home most of the day but worked on the family folder a bit and started to organise next week as hubby is going to be away and I will be doing a few days work so time to start juggling things.
Did the food shopping tonight with calculator in hand and clever list.  Someone had given me a $5 off discount card for any shop over $100 so I took that with me - good discount there.  It wasn't working when they tried scanning it so in the end someone just pulled out their staff card and swiped it for the 5% discount which was great.  I got an additioal 2c off too LOL. 

Finally got my magazines from Kmart after two days who ever does the mag stocking hadn't done their job.  Good way to loose sales I had to ask someone and they said all they can do is leave a note for someone to follow up.  I found them on a rack near the checkouts but still what a hunt! I nearly forgot to swipe my flybuys card!
Took the family out to dinner too tonight before hubby goes away.  Spent a little bit more money than a standard Fast Food meal but it was nice to sit down. Had a Buy 1 get 1 free voucher and was able to also use a westfield gift card to pay for it so double bonus there!

SAVINGS - $5.02

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Thrifty Thursday

Still school holidays here so naturally kids are getting a little bored so ask about 3pm can we go to the shops.  Sure I say let me get my lists..... Poor kids I think they are regretting going now - sure you can do 1 thing you want to do as long as you help me with my 5.  That's fair isn't it???  LOL

First stop the library where clever mummy has put on reserve some Glee Books for DD11 and a DVD for DS8.  Saved me some money there.... one Glee book DD11 turned her nose up at which I was about to buy on eBay so happy I didn't there.  I figured if I ordered in the others for her to look at and she still loves them I will go ahead and get them for her birthday.  Two others that I was going to buy are available to borrow and the way this little bookworm is going it's not worth buying the books so borrowing them is more cost effective.

We then head into the centre and go to Pet Shop to hand in a full bag of shredded paper.  Due to my business I can't really reuse the paper due to some of the info printed on it so I shred it for a second use elsewhere.  I don't have a garden as of yet for it to go on so until then it goes where it's most needed and not taking up space in my recycling bin.  They even give me a garbage bag to replace the one I filled so I can bring more back which is great.

Then it's onto Big W where the kids get their toys we put it all together on my card so we get Everyday Reward Pts and a fuel voucher and the kids pay me so I can use this money to repay the credit card.  

Kids are always hungry as you know so I use the 2 for 1 voucher I have for the Pretzel Shop - mmm yum.  I wouldn't really say I saved any money here as I really only bought it as I had a voucher otherwise I would have gone into Coles to buy them cheap donuts.  Yeah I know it's not the best health food but it's the only treat for the week they have had. 

Went around the corner to 'check out' Cold Rock as I had a buy 1 Regular with mix in get 1 free.  However a Regular is $6.20 and you know I can buy 4 litres of icecream for that!  I can also smash in a whole packet of M & M's for that!  OMG quick RUN away!  So we went into HJ's and got a 50c icecream each!

More shopping (poor children LOL... so how desperate are you for toys next time???) and we 'look' in Game Traders just so mum can do some research shhhhh.  DD11 wants to buy a packet of trading cards for $2.99 as they have a 20% discount day.  I tell her but if you save next week's money you can go to Big W and get 3 packets for $6.82.  Eye's light up over that one!!!

We go to Woolworths to do a very small food shop $30.98 and get Everyday Reward pts, BONUS points on some of the items we buy and a fuel voucher - thank you!  Going to come in handy next week!

Last stop the chemist where we get 16 bars of soap for $5 (do you like the photo - sneaky...) and 2 boxes of tissues for $1.59 each and a bottle of Morning Fresh Dishwashing Liquid for $1.79.  I'm not up to making my own just yet. 

Also this morning the letterbox was EMPTY!  Hello... what's up with that??? LOL

Hope you all had a great day!!!

SAVINGS - $49.14
$6.20 for the icecream (saved by the bell there LOL)
$41.91 - Glee Books
$ 0.82 - tissues
$ 0.21 - dishwashing liquid
$     ?  I don't know about the soap I haven't bought any for a long time and usually would buy only 4 bars for $2 when on special.  Certainly not 16 bars at a time!

Turn It Off!

Got the power bill the other day and it's a little bit more than we had budgeted but that was also last years budget and also I see that everyone's power bill is going up.

Anyway decided to tackle this head on and hit the net for a few ways to save a few $$$.

Firstly have made sure that we have turned off anything at the WALL not just having things on stand by.  It's probably not a lot but it's all the little things that add up and make the difference.  However I am not told to STOP turning off the kettle because that has a mechanical switch so no power will actual be generated until you turn it off.  Also hubby was getting annoyed that he was waiting for kettle for boil in the morning for his wake up Coffee and wondering why after 5 minutes still no noise.... tee hee

Turned off the oven at the wall cause also the clock and grinding noise it makes it just so irritating but not the microwave as that's our clock and also I read that it doesn't take much power anyway.

I pulled out two globes from our three armed light's in the lounge room and it hasn't seemed to make too much difference especially as we don't seem to 'live' in there.

I also bought these press button lights mostly for night time finding of things as going from a dark room to turning on a light can be blinding at the best of time.

The other thing is because we are with TRU Energy we get a discount % if we pay our bill before the due date so at my regular bill paying time I set up auto payment for that to happen.  I also gave them a quick call today because A Current Affair said you can bundle them for discount and when I called they said no they have since changed that policy and are offering more discounts on prepayments now so that's ok.

SAVINGS = $12.99 for paying it early.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Mail's Here!

Woken up by the post man today because he had a letter I had to sign for... so he got to see me in my dressing gown poor man.... but it was soooo worth it.

As you can see I got these Kmart Gift Cards.  I bought them off eBay from someone who was selling them as she doesn't live near a kmart.  I bought them for $130 straight Buy It Now price for card value of $150.  So that's pretty much FREE money of $20!  She also sent it to me Registered Post for FREE.  What a lovely lady!

I was so good too waiting for nearly a week before going to Kmart to do my school uniform shopping which wasn't much just new shirts for DS8 and some underwear.

These cards will cover a variety of topics in the budget, clothing, gifts, incidentals.  So an upfront payment now but a saving down the track.  Of course paid for this with my Credit Card via paypal so got the points.


I Love Junk Mail!

Wednesday usually = Junk Mail and boy do I love junk mail.  Some times for the bargains but mostly I just like to look at what's on special and then usually put it in the recycling bin.  A quick flip through the pile I have gotten out hmmm I don't need to sell my house (not yet anyway), buy a pool or treadmill and I don't need any tree's lopped - so those instantly go in the bin.

I'm left with Kmart 1 x Entertainment & 1 x General, Big W, Woolies, Coles & Officeworks (ohhhh stationary.... NO put the catalogue down...).  

Kmart Entertaintment I always love as I go through and circle all the movies that I want and then I go to the library catalogue and search for them.  I usually get about 80% of them.  General Kmart is good for Back to School specials. I won't really buy DVD's anymore so can't honestly say that I've saving money by not buying them.

Big W wasn't too surprising for me but I enjoyed looking at it.

Woolworths - oh how I love the..... well you know me and my loyalty they are having some bonus points on selected items so I scanned the whole catalogue about 3 times and have only managed to spend $16 on the items I usually buy at same or below usual prices so a win there!  Also I'll spend over $30 with other general groceries and BANG thank you petrol voucher! LOL

Coles was good for a lot of little specials too.  I have my big shop coming up soon so am sure to save a dollar or two there.

Officeworks was good actually as I circled everything that I wanted and then managed to go hunting around the house and find a few things that had been put away for the 'just in case' day.

When I look at specials I have to stop and ask myself
Do I want it - oh yeah
Do I need it - hmmmm who asked you good conscious.... LOL

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Shopping Research

By now you would know that I am a bit of a bargain Queen and I don't do anything without my thinking cap on!

As you can see here I just have shown you a small snap shot of some recent research I am doing on a DS game.  I have listed all the places, the costs and how I can buy it and to what benefits that would be to me.

I do this with about anything that's a bigger purchase decision!

Wheeling and Dealing....

(ps thanks to the person who asked me 'offline' how do I know how to get a good price - it created a great blog article)!

Mail's Here

Wednesday's Mail brings a Westfield Gift Card!  Woo Hoo!

I bought this on ebay for $48 using my own pocket money (I have been saving up LOL). I'll probably use it to buy my magazines each week at Kmart as I am trying REALLY hard not to buy any more clothes for a while!  So here is my double deal - I will also get flybuy point's when I go as Kmart just has a $5 minimum and my magazines are $6.

Grabbed this Directory so I can quickly see where I can go.  It's great that it can be used in Kmart.

So only a saving of $2 but I got it and used my Credit Card to do so - thus earning points and I then used my pocket money to pay back the credit card.  It's the little things that count... tee hee!

There's Nothing Cheap About Loyalty

"There's Nothing Cheap About Loyalty" a famous quote by George Clooney in the movie "Up in the Air".  George plays the character Ryan Bingham who's works for a company that is hired to fire people.  For this he is flown all around the US doing the job for the bosses who are a 'pussy' as he states.  In the movie he always needs to be smoothly moving from one action to another whether it be for checkin of a flight or car hire and needs to use as little time to do everything as possible.

He also only uses something if it is of benefit to him and is quoted as saying "I don't spend a nickel, if I can help it, unless it somehow profits my mileage account."

There is a whole converstaion that takes place between him and his collegue Natalie Keener (yes Jessica from Twilight) and it's so funny to see their interaction.
I only just rewatched this (for research of course - love me some George) and thought for the most part he's not wrong.  Loyality is the key for most businesses to be successful.  Something that guarantee's you to keep coming back to spend money with them.

As you can see from my photo I am no stranger when it comes to the "Fantastic Plastic" of Loyality Store Cards.  I have clothing, fashion, flights, food, jewellery, gaming, books, entertainment, craft, dining in, dining out, beauty all to name just a few of what's out there in the market.

I have all of these cards because one time or another I visited their store and they offered me to join their free program.  FREE you say!  Yes everything that is good in this world is FREE!  So what does that cards actually get me?

Mostly they are for repeat business so for every dollar you spend with us we will reward you.  Other's are instant like the gaming ones where you get instore discounts on purchase.  But you need to be careful that you aren't just using those cards because of the possible discount you could get.

I go to one gaming store because they will price match which is fantastic for me but their games are always $5 - $10 above the biggers chains.  But I go back to the Gaming store because their staff are fantastic they know what they are talking about and I show my card and smile and they smile at my loyality.

This year I am dedicating my saving blog here to Loyality and trying to be as loyal as I can and getting the best benefit out of it.  It's easy when you know how to play the game and be rewarded for your time and effort.

Stick with me and you will laugh at some of the double dealing tricks I do to get ahead and win.  There is a little exciting 'YES' moment you have when you done a deal that you feel oh so happy about!

ps no I don't carry ALL of these around with me all the time. Otherwise my purse would never close!